Vulnerable seniors

Isolation, loss of autonomy and cognitive problems can all create vulnerability.
To contact Community Worker Hélène Martineau, please call 450.472.9540 or send an email.
As part of the ITMAV project (Initiative de travail de milieu auprès des aînés en situation de vulnérabilité), the CAB Les Artisans de l’Aide is pleased to announce that they have been awarded the project and that it fits in perfectly with the organization’s mission.
The community worker (resource-person in the local community) provides three levels of support...
In situations requiring confidentiality, the community worker meets the senior or their significant other at the CAB Les Artisans de l’Aide office, in their home, or any other location conducive to:
- offering the services of local and regional resources to vulnerable seniors to counter isolation;
- guide seniors to the appropriate resources;
- support the senior in their choices.
Our organization actively works to improve individual and collective quality of life for seniors. Through our service offer, our volunteers assist seniors that are vulnerable or at risk of becoming vulnerable. They are the eyes and ears of the organization, and keep close watch on the elderly population. When an issue arises, the community worker will be on hand to...
- help the volunteer identify the best, personalized approach to help the senior dealing with a situation of vulnerability or abuse;
- provide training on the Companion Guide to Prevent Senior Abuse
The community worker works closely with the health and social services network. Are you a stakeholder? Sometimes helping a vulnerable senior requires a lot of time and resources. The community worker is here to help provide solutions from the local community solutions and from the health network. It is…
- a team effort : meetings at several organizations with the vulnerable senior,
- a societal choice : a desire to provide support and services using an overall, humanist approach that encourages well-treatment.
IN ADDITION, the community worker visits businesses and institutions to train stakeholders (pharmacies, banks, hair salons, private senior residences, community centres, community organizations serving seniors) and to raise awareness.