Message from the President

The words that come to mind to describe the team behind our organization are work, availability, commitment, generosity and constancy. When we talk about the Board of Administration, this year was very charged with many projects. The members were very involved and maintained a healthy financial management which reflect a good administration.  

When it comes to the 806 members of the Carrefour 50+, they have confidence in us by participating in all the activities, courses and workshops that are available to them. We interact directly on the prevention of loss of autonomy.

When talking about the staff team, I often tour the facilities and I see that they are reliable employees who love their work.  Their number of years of service at the CAB reflects it. And they provide the proper functioning and continuity in their actions.

Finally, when we talk about all the volunteers, we can only praise them for their involvement, their generosity and their availability. We live in a whirlwind when retirees are increasingly busy and have a very full agenda. They still take time to volunteer with us. Our clientele is very grateful.  We recruited this year 28 new volunteers. I am very proud of the work done by all these people involved year after year, their generosity towards seniors and to have chosen our Organization to achieve their goal.

Jules Thibodeau