Senior abuse

If you or someone you know is being mistreated, there are resources that can help.
To contact Community Worker Hélène Martineau, please call 450.472.9540 or send an email.
To watch the latest video from the senior abuse awareness campagn on YouTube.
Senior abuse is an increasingly frequent social problem. The physical and psychological consequences of senior abuse are serious. It is understandable that seniors living with abuse are reluctant to come forward.
To support and facilitate handling of abuse cases, the Comité de prevention des abus envers les aînés de la MRC de Deux-Montagnes et du sud de Mirabel (committee to prevent senior abuse in the RMC of Deux-Montagnes and Mirabel South) has prepared a Companion Guide for people that deal with seniors on a regular basis.
This Guide can you deal with a situation where a senior confides in you, or if you suspect abuse and want to bring up the subject. The objective of the guide is not to find the guilty party and seek justice, but to help those that find themselves in an abusive situation put an end to mistreatment or minimize its impact.
This companion guide is a tool that provides several ways to improve understanding of senior abuse and to support the individual being mistreated while reinforcing their ability to act.
We offer training on the Companion guide to better prepare volunteers and stakeholders working to improve quality of life for seniors. For upcoming training dates, please consult our Training section. Because together, we can prevent senior abuse!